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求琥珀的英文介绍我想给朋友琥珀的礼物.但朋友是外国的.想给他介绍一下 谁能翻译.谢谢了
给你一个《大英百科全书》上的介绍: AMBER: fossil tree resin that has achieved a stable state through loss of volatile constituents and chemical change after burial in the ground. Amber has been found throughout the world, but the largest and most significant deposits occur along the shores of the Baltic Sea in sands 40,000,000 to 60,000,000 years old. Amber occurs as irregular nodules, rods, or droplike shapes in all shades of yellow with nuances of orange, brown, and, rarely, red. Milky-white opaque varieties are called bone amber. The turbidity of some amber is caused by inclusions of many minute air bubbles. Many hundreds of species of fossil insects and plants are found as inclusions. Deeply coloured translucent to transparent amber is prized as gem material. Modern investigative techniques are directed toward isolating and identifying as many as possible of the individual resin components and, ultimately, to establishing a genetic relationship between fossil resins and modern resin-producing trees. By means of infrared spectroscopy, Mexican (Chiapas) amber has been shown to be related to a modern leguminous tree, Hymenaea. Though in the past amber was believed to be completely amorphous, subsequent X-ray diffraction studies have revealed crystalline components in some fossil resins. Ornamental carved objects, beads, rosaries, cigarette holders, and pipe mouthpieces are made from amber. Amberoid, or “pressed amber,” is produced by fusing together small pieces of amber under pressure. Parallel bands, or flow structure, in amberoid help to distinguish it from natural amber. Despite the introduction of numerous synthetic substitutes, the beauty of the real material has remained unexcelled. 建议你说明这个介绍转载于《Encyclopaedia Britannica》即《大英百科全书》。
巧克力每盒9块,软糖每盒11块.要把这两种糖分发给一些小朋友,每样每人一块.由于又来了一位小朋友, 2020-04-26 …
求助七夕贺卡祝福语设计想给准女友有个不一样的七夕礼物一切都ok啦但肚中墨水实在是少了点在贺卡祝福语 2020-05-13 …
我不是真正的快乐~~~~前男友是个情场高手,给我了太多的激情和刻骨铭心的回忆~~我知道一切都过去了 2020-05-14 …
小明买了一篮梨,分给小朋友,如果每人分3个,就多3个,若每人分4个,还差2个,那么小明分给了()个 2020-06-02 …
英语作文:给老朋友的一封信要求:离开旧街区和那里的朋友们已有几年了,我一直打算给他们写信,可是总有 2020-06-03 …
英语翻译《儿童时代》的编辑们,叫我给小朋友写一篇《我的童年》.关于“童年”,我写过不止一篇了.现在 2020-06-03 …
数学题,能解给跪了.但能解哦.有一堆苹果,4个小朋友,第一个小朋友拿了一半外加一个,第二个小朋友拿 2020-06-06 …
“抱者柴火救火”的四字成语是什么?我给一朋友修改文章,其文里有一句“……抱着柴火救火……”,我印象 2020-06-22 …
英语翻译我认为友谊是很珍贵的,俗话说:多一个朋友多一条路;出门在外靠朋友.这都体现了友谊带给我们的 2020-07-06 …
“六一”儿童节到了,幼儿园给小朋友分礼物,若没人分2份,则多15份……“六一”儿童节到了,幼儿园给 2020-07-19 …