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Claims and complaints against doctors are growing recently.Patients,govements,third party healthcare payers and nespapers,radio,and Tv inverstigations are all critical of doctors.How to improve the medical and healthcare system tops the list of people's heated discussions.In this intense pressure condition,how to be a good and qualified doctor is quite inquiriable and hard.Is a good doctor the one with the best exam results,the one who goes out of his/her way for others?No one can give a criteria.IN my opinion,to be a good doctor nowadays is demanding and inquiring.Initially,a good doctor must be profiency in academic knowledge and technical skills.So you have to go through the stressful years of medical school and residency.The daily drudgery of our lives is studying for the tons of exams,the sleepless nights on-call taking care of a never-ending list of critical patients.Moreover,you have to be awareness of learning.we are in an information age,the knowledge is changing quuickly.If you doesn't charge yourself from time to time,your theory may be out of date.He may not keep pace with the development of our fast-paced society.Last but not least,a good doctor should be kind-hearted and good at communicating with his patients.feeling sympathy for your patients will help you make a good relationship with your patients.And good communication with your patiens can avoid many troubles and get their trustfulness.
How to Become a Doctor
Doctors make people healthier.When people get sick,doctors figure out why.They give people medicine and other kinds of treatment.They also give advice about diet,exercise,and sleep.Doctors use science to figure out what is making people sick.Doctors examine people,listen to them describe their health problems,and do tests to see what is wrong.If you want to become a doctor you should < a study to willing be and career your in dedicated people help>
1.Be prepared to put in a lot of time.Becoming a doctor requires more training than most other jobs.It usually takes at least 11 years to become a doctor:4 years of college,4 years of medical school,and 3 years working in a hospital (residency training).For some specialties,doctors may have to work in a hospital for up to 8 years before they can practice.
2.Start early.In high school,study a lot of science including biology,chemistry,and physics.Math courses including algebra,geometry,trigonometry,and calculus are also useful.English is also essential in becoming a doctor.
3.Keep on task.In college,maintain a high grade point average.The competition for medical school is intense.Students in college must study a lot of science,including organic and inorganic chemistry,math,English.Studying humanities and social sciences in college are also useful.
4.Take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT).
5.Go to medical school.You'll spend your first two years studying lots of science courses.You'll also learn to take medical histories,examine patients,and diagnose illnesses.In your last two years,students work with patients under the supervision of experienced physicians in hospitals and clinics,learning acute,chronic,preventive,and rehabilitative care.
6.Enter your residency training period in a hospital setting in which you earn a salary while you are trained.Residency typically lasts about three years.Some specialties may require as much as eight years of residency training before they are licensed to practice.
Have a backup plan.Sadly not everyone who wants to be a doctor will make it.There are still lots of careers in the health field,such as registered nurses,vocational nurses,etc.But note that many applicants had to apply more than once to get accepted.
Competition to get into medical school is intense so a lot of community service,volunteering,and experiences that allow you to learn and display leadership are important in high school and college to set you apart from other applicants.
Research experience in medicine or the basic sciences is a another important component of a strong application that will set you apart from others - especially if you get published in a medical journal or present at a medical conference.
Be prepared to work long and irregular hours in your career.Over one third of doctors in 2004 work over 60 hours a week.
Be prepared to repay an enormous loan since becoming a doctor is very expensive.
Be prepared to take frequent refresher courses throughout your career.
Things You'll Need
Good communication skills and the ability to deal with the emotions people have for their family and friends.
Dedication,top grades and lots of work experience.
A good positive attitude towards people.

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