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NBA globalization is a convergence of American culture and national spirit.NBA with a perfect market operation,a mature business idea,the all-round and multi-level packaging products.unique in the United States under the influence of the social environment.In addition,as part of the sports industry has brought enormous wealth in the United States is still a strong culture and fully embodies the American spirit .In the process of globalization,the NBA culture has been successful in every corner of the world.American culture through Coca-Cola,McDonald's,Disney,Hollywood movies,Through their strength and prosperity,such as the NBA from there.NBA cultural globalization,the globalization of American culture is in fact a microcosm.NBA brand is a cultural creation,the NBA brought to the capital,services,the flow of international and regional staff.more for the United States mode of thinking,behavior and values of the nations of the world,directly or indirectly,influence and interaction.American culture with a subtle infiltration of the national spirit in every corner of the world.Many people fear the United States is thinking,behavior,The worldwide spread of values that will lead to "the entire city into a completely Americanized town." We can see that culture of the 21st century are facing multiple integration of various cultures will replace the physical capital,Having become invisible to the main content.Culture is not illusory,the pure spirit,a culture of the country is an important strategic position,It is like condensation agent to infiltrate into the same economic and social structures.Health,the United States today is the advantage of cultural superiority -- American culture is a culture,are continually able to export.The United States is using its powerful cultural export to consolidate its position in the global "superpower" status.American culture is the strength of the United States to dominate the world's most extensive source of strength.

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