Long time ago there was a woman with a surpring spell(魔法).If someone was under the spell he or she would get perfect 26 .One day the woman put the spell on her toad(蟾蜍) and then the toad got beautiful teeth. They could help him 27 all kinds of food. He could 28 start speaking.
The toad was 29 with the spell.He started to eat lots of chocolate.The woman found this and said to him “30 your teeth and brush them often.Don’t eat so much chocolate…”31 the toad didn’t listen to her.He believed his teeth were very good and he didn’t have to brush them ofen.And he liked chocolate very much so he didn’t want to eat 32 .
One day one of the toad’s teeth got bad.Day by day all the teeth in his 33 got bad.The toad decided to start looking after them but it was too 34 .And when he 35 his last tooth he couldn’t speak any more.
The toad thought if the woman put the spell on him again he would brush them every day.But that never happened again.
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1.用线吊着一只小蝗虫逗引一只饥饿的蟾蜍,蟾蜍会立即张口把小蝗虫吃掉。2.换成用线吊着一只形状和颜色 2020-12-21 …
实验探究题①用线吊着一只小蝗虫逗引一只饥饿的蟾蜍,蟾蜍会立即张口把小蝗虫吃掉.②换成用线吊着一只形状 2020-12-21 …
实验探究题(1)用线吊着一只小蝗虫逗引一只饥饿的蟾蜍,蟾蜍会立即张口把小蝗虫吃掉.(2)换成用线吊着 2020-12-21 …