早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


8.Policemen wear a uniform that makes them __________ from others.
(A) distinctive (B) straight (C) distinguished (D) clear
9.As we can no longer wait for the rain to stop before taking our vacation,we have to ________ our plans.
(A) accept (B) cancel (C) refuse (D) stop
10.The grandfather ________ all the members of the family for the annual picnic.
(A) put (B) assembled (C) collected (D) had
11.In the ________ of the project not being a success,the manager stands to lose up to $30 million.
(A) face (B) time (C) event (D) course
12.A _____________ to this problem is expected to be found before long.
(A) solution (B) settlement (C) response (D) result
13.She goes to the dentist to have her teeth ________ twice a week.
A) looked (B) watched (C) observed (D) inspected
14.In the 1700's North American colonists proclaimed their wealth and social ________ by wearing elaborate clothing.
(A) responsibility (B) events (C) organization (D) status
15.You ________ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.
(A) shouldn't have been following (B) shouldn't follow
(C) mustn't follow (D) couldn't have been following
16.Many old readers do not like the modern ________ of The Holy Bible; they've gotten used to the traditional one.
(A) publication (B) vision (C) version (D) copyright
17.A good deal of the __________ for their success must go to John Francis,the captain.
(A) reputation (B) respect (C) credit (D) fame
18.This rapid growth has been achieved by a _____________ handful of people.
(A) simple (B) scarce (C) slight (D) bare
19.Most broadcasters believe that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ________.
(A) granted (B) remedied (C) implied (D) exaggerated
20.I think I was at school,________ I was staying with a friend during the vacation when I heard the news.
(A) and then (B) critical (C) or so (D) even so
8. Policemen wear a uniform that makes them __________ from others.
(A) distinctive (B) straight (C) distinguished (D) clear
选(C) distinguished , 只有distinguished能与from搭配,表“从……中区别开来”之意
9. As we can no longer wait for the rain to stop before taking our vacation, we have to ________ our plans.
(A) accept (B) cancel (C) refuse (D) stop
选(B) cancel ,cancel our plans“取消我们的计划”
10. The grandfather ________ all the members of the family for the annual picnic.
(A) put (B) assembled (C) collected (D) had
选(B) assembled,题意为“祖父叫齐(集合)了所有的家庭成员来开一年一度的野餐.”只有B有“集合”之意
11. In the ________ of the project not being a success, the manager stands to lose up to $30 million.
(A) face (B) time (C) event (D) course
选(C) event ,in the event of “万一,倘若”
12. A _____________ to this problem is expected to be found before long.
(A) solution (B) settlement (C) response (D) result
选(A) solution,“问题的解决方法”
13. She goes to the dentist to have her teeth ________ twice a week.
A) looked (B) watched (C) observed (D) inspected
选(D) inspected ,“检查牙齿”选项里只有D适合
14. In the 1700's North American colonists proclaimed their wealth and social ________ by wearing elaborate clothing.
(A) responsibility (B) events (C) organization (D) status
选(D) status ,social status“社会地位”
15. You ________ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.
(A) shouldn't have been following (B) shouldn't follow
(C) mustn't follow (D) couldn't have been following
选(A) shouldn't have been following ,对过去事实进行虚拟
16. Many old readers do not like the modern ________ of The Holy Bible; they've gotten used to the traditional one.
(A) publication (B) vision (C) version (D) copyright
选(C) version ,mordern version“现代版本的”
17. A good deal of the __________ for their success must go to John Francis, the captain.
(A) reputation (B) respect (C) credit (D) fame
选(C) credit ,the credit for success“之所以成功的原因/成功的功劳”
18. This rapid growth has been achieved by a _____________ handful of people.
(A) simple (B) scarce (C) slight (D) bare
选(B) scarce,a handful of“少量的”,加上scarce就更少了,选择时要考虑能不能与a handful of搭配.
19. Most broadcasters believe that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ________.
(A) granted (B) remedied (C) implied (D) exaggerated
选(D) exaggerated ,“媒体的力量被夸大”
20. I think I was at school, ________ I was staying with a friend during the vacation when I heard the news.
(A) and then (B) critical (C) or so (D) even so
选(A) and then“那时”,其他几个词放到句子里解释不过去,用排除法也可以选出的~
That's it~

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