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话说诚信被那个 " 聪明”的年轻人投弃到水里以后,他拼命地游着,最后来到了一个小岛上.“诚信”就躺在沙滩上休息,心里计划着等待哪位路过的朋友允许他搭船,救他一命.突然,“诚信”听到远处传来一阵阵欢乐轻松的音乐.他于是马上站起来,向着音乐传来的方向望去,他看见一只小船正向这边驶来.船上有面小旗,上面写着 “快乐”二字,原来是快乐的小船.“诚信”忙喊道:“快乐快乐,我是诚信,你拉我回岸可以吗?” “快乐”一听,笑着对“诚信”说:“不行不行,我一有了诚信就不快乐了,你看这社会上有多少人因为说实话而不快乐,对不起,我无能为力.” 说罢,“快乐”走了.过了一会儿,“地位”又来了,诚信忙喊到:“地位地位,我是诚信,我想搭你的船回家可以吗?”“地位”忙把船划远了,回头对“诚信”说:“不行不行,诚信可不能搭我的船,我的地位来之不易啊!有了你这个诚信我岂不倒霉,并且连地位也难以保住啊!” 诚信很失望地看着“地位”的背影,眼里充满了不解和疑惑,他又接着等.
The words said good faith by that “intelligent” the young people throw away after the water,he goes all out to tour,finally arrived at on an island.“the good faith” lies down in the sand beach rests,plans at heart was waiting for which position passed by the friend allowed him to take a passage,rescues his life.Suddenly,“the good faith” hears the distant place to transmit an intermittent happy relaxed music.He therefore immediately stands,turns toward the direction which music transmits to look,he sees a boat to drive to here.On the ship has a pennant,above is writing “joyfully” two characters,originally is the joyful boat.“the good faith” shouts busily:“joyful joyful,I am the good faith,you pull me to return to the shore to be possible?” “joyful” a tin,smiled “the good faith” to say rightly:“is not good,as soon as I have the good faith not to be joyful,you looked in this society to have how many people because to speak the truth,but was not joyful,sorry,I was helpless.” Said that “joyful” walked.After a while,“the status” has come,the good faith shouts busily:“the status status,I am the good faith,I want to ride your ship to go home to be possible?”“the status” was busy at the ship delimiting has been far,turned head “the good faith” to say rightly:“is not good,the good faith may not be able to ride my ship,my status is hard-won!Had your this good faith I to be how could it not be bad luck,and the status also with difficulty preserved continually!” The good faith looks very disappointedly “status” the back,in the eye has filled relentless and the doubts,he then and so on.
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