早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
(21)Each parameter of a system has its own relaxation time.The greatest of these times plays the part of the relaxation time of the system.
(22)A process consisting of a continuous sequence of equilibrium states is called an equilibrium or a quasistatic one.It follows from what has been said above that only an infinitely slow process can be an equilibrium one.
(23)The concepts of an equilibrium state and a reversible process play a great part in thermodynamics.All the quantitative conclusions of thermodynamics are strictly applicable only to equilibrium states and reversible processes..
(24)the concept of internal energy includes the kinetic energy of the chaotic motion of molecules,the potential energy of interaction between the molecules,and the intramolecular 发生于分子内的energy.
(25) Any system can be in different states distinguished by their temperature,pressure,volume,etc.Such quantities characterizing the state of a system are called parameters of state.
(26)The increment of the internal energy of a system equal the sum of the work A′ done on the system and amount of heat Q imparted to it
(27)The state of a given mass of s gas is determined by the values of three parameters:the pressure p,volume V,and temperature T.These parameters are related to one another according to a definite law so that a change in one of them causes a change in the others.
(28)The motion of the same body relative to different reference frames may have a different nature.For example,let us imagine a train gaining speed.Suppose that a passenger is talking with a constant velocity along the corridor 走廊;通路 of one of the cars of the train.The motion of passenger relative to the car will be uniform,and relative to the Earth’s surface it will be accelerated.
(29)To describe the motion of a body means to indicate for every moment of time the position of the body in space and its velocity.To set the state of a mechanical system,we must indicate the positions and the velocities of all the bodies forming the system.A typical problem of mechanics consists in determining the states of a system at all the following moments of time when we know the state of the system at a certain initial 最初的moment to and also the laws governing the motion.
(21)Each parameter of a system has its own relaxation time.The greatest of these times plays the part of the relaxation time of the system.
(22)A process consisting of a continuous sequence of equilibrium states is called an equilibrium or a quasistatic one.It follows from what has been said above that only an infinitely slow process can be an equilibrium one.
(23)The concepts of an equilibrium state and a reversible process play a great part in thermodynamics.All the quantitative conclusions of thermodynamics are strictly applicable only to equilibrium states and reversible processes..
(24)the concept of internal energy includes the kinetic energy of the chaotic motion of molecules,the potential energy of interaction between the molecules,and the intramolecular 发生于分子内的energy.
(25) Any system can be in different states distinguished by their temperature,pressure,volume,etc.Such quantities characterizing the state of a system are called parameters of state.
(26)The increment of the internal energy of a system equal the sum of the work A′ done on the system and amount of heat Q imparted to it
(27)The state of a given mass of s gas is determined by the values of three parameters:the pressure p,volume V,and temperature T.These parameters are related to one another according to a definite law so that a change in one of them causes a change in the others.
(28)The motion of the same body relative to different reference frames may have a different nature.For example,let us imagine a train gaining speed.Suppose that a passenger is talking with a constant velocity along the corridor 走廊;通路 of one of the cars of the train.The motion of passenger relative to the car will be uniform,and relative to the Earth’s surface it will be accelerated.
(29)To describe the motion of a body means to indicate for every moment of time the position of the body in space and its velocity.To set the state of a mechanical system,we must indicate the positions and the velocities of all the bodies forming the system.A typical problem of mechanics consists in determining the states of a system at all the following moments of time when we know the state of the system at a certain initial 最初的moment to and also the laws governing the motion.
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