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How to get along with others
How to get along with others This is a good question.Many of my friends asked me this question.
I think if you want to get along well with others ,you must be kind and friendly to others .
If you are kind and friendly enough to others,they would like to make friends with you.But if you are bad,I think none of them would like to be your friend.And if you have no friends,you will feel very lonely and sad.So be kind and friendly to others .And I am sure you can get along very well with others.
Getting along well with others is very important.If you can get along well with others,you will enjoy yourself every day .If not,you will not enjoy yourself at all.
I think I am one of the most popular students in my class.And of course I am getting along very well with most of my classmates.So my dear friends,if you want to get along well with others,please do as I do.
When any of my classmates is in trouble,I try my best to help them.I f i see any of my classmates doesn't feel happy.I will go and talk with them and try to comfort them.
Many people can get along well with others.But come cannot.Those who cannot get along well with others usually feel unhappy and lonely.In fact everybody would like to get aling well with others.But why some cannot?I think something must be wrong with their communication.
I have got an idea.Maybe it is not the best,but I think it is very useful.First,you must try to get near to others willingly.Then try to tell them something funny.I am sure they will be very happy when they hear this.When others are talking ,never try to get in a word.You just listen.When they finish talking ,try to praise them as it is .Before long,you will find others would like to get near to you ,too.And by and by ,you can get along well with others.

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