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for example,if typeO donate to typeA blood.
typeO blood include no antigen but with antibodyA and antibodyB,and type A include antigenA and antibodyB.antibody is in the blood serum.when typeO donate to typeA,antigen goes with them so when typeA receive from typeO,it should be antibodyA which in typeO bind to typeA,then typeA RBCs died.why is it wrong?
thanks a lot~
This is not science.Type O blood is without A and B antigens on red blood cells and serum in the presence of antibodies against A and B.Before we had blood transfusion for patients with blood.USES the cross matching test,with forms to lose.But in some special cases,such as head not agglutinate can use type O blood lose,but the titer must be smaller than 1:0
Blood group antigen and antibody from theory of immunology,type O blood is not open to type A,type B,and AB.But,because of the type O blood no antigen and without B antigens on red blood cells,after losing to A,B,AB,O type blood red blood cells are not affected by the relative resistance against A or B antibodies in the serum,and input type O red blood cells are not destroyed,and play its proper function with oxygen and flush out carbon dioxide,said people with type O blood people "universal transfusion" just from this point.Under normal circumstances,we don't loss to the other type of type O blood people,because in type O blood serum containing resistance against A and B two antibodies,enter A different type of people,it can with the blood agglutination of red blood cells in the blood happen then produce hemolysis.Since there is little input of HP,recipients of large amount of blood in the body,through the circulation of the blood dilution,and the blood plasma in type A or type B blood type material of type O part resistance against A and B antibody in the serum of neutralization,can reduce the combination of erythrocyte hemolysis opportunities.But if the input type O blood volume is bigger,and fight A fight B content in the serum antibody level is high,the same can happen serious transfusion reaction,thus,the "universal transfusion" is not universal,it also lies the risk of serious.According to the above introduction,we believe,unless special circumstances,you can't loss to the other type of type O blood people.
O can't loss to the other,unless emergency type of difficult to decide when,can lose O washed red blood cells.Or neonatal hemolysis disease changes with O type AB blood plasma and RBC.

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