早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I met Billy the last summer before college. He was handsome and his irreverence(玩世不恭) was to me. We liked each other the first instant we met. , I was a straight A student and my parents had high hopes for me to an Ivy League (常春藤联盟) school. Billy did not concentrate all his attention his study and school life. However, we were in love --- so teenager love. I still remember we had a plan for prom(舞会). It was understood that we had about where we would dance and drink and party together. This meant one thing to my parents---panic. And it grew as the letters began to roll in. Of the eleven schools I applied to, nine accepted me. And one of them was Brown University---the Ivy League in 1770 in historic Providence, Rhode Island. There was no that I was drawn to Brown, but Billy (who had joined the army) was down south and I had offers for me there, too. I was torn between my love for him and my family . One week the start of school, my mother had a talk with me. She said I was eighteen years old and I had a to make--- one that went beyond the choice of to attend university. In August, I and drove north to Providence. It took several months to that my life was moving on in a way that was completely different from Billy’s. Brown changed my life, opening doors and giving me the I now use to think, to learn and to write. Life is always about it seems, and the older I get, the more I understand this. Still, there are times when I think of Billy because he taught me about love.
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