早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Relish the moment
Relish the moment
Many people like to say:“ tomorrow will be better"!People lay theirs hopes on tomorrw,but they cannot grasp today well,let a nice today go.
Embrace today ,you should cherish today.We should learn how to cherish time.Yesterday has gone and never come back again,you never have the chance to experience yesterday.Tomorrow has not come yet,you can't see the next day's sun until tomorrow.We have our lives today,and just today forever.To be specific ,your life is the moment now,others things don't blong to you.
Past never come back again,we need to work hard for the future.Our real life is consist of much present .Only have a happy,sincere,diligent attitude to face today,we can say that you can live a better life throughout your life.Today is a new piece of paper in front of you,if you do nothing ,it is only a bank piece of paper.Past is more and more far off you till it fade out people's view,but blank will become more and more big until it is a pale life.You can't understand today that is your sorriness,you ignore today that is your ignorant.Giving up today that is your loss cann't redemptive.Only seize the present firmly,it is can be a knowledge that you should master and apply.If you can have a pleasant mood to meet every sun,then we can say that you have present and a brilliant future.Own a nice present ,you will own a perfect life.Embrace today,future belongs to us!
Embrace today ,you should cherish today.We should learn how to cherish time.Yesterday has gone and never come back again,you never have the chance to experience yesterday.Tomorrow has not come yet,you can't see the next day's sun until tomorrow.We have our lives today,and just today forever.To be specific ,your life is the moment now,others things don't blong to you.
Past never come back again,we need to work hard for the future.Our real life is consist of much present .Only have a happy,sincere,diligent attitude to face today,we can say that you can live a better life throughout your life.Today is a new piece of paper in front of you,if you do nothing ,it is only a bank piece of paper.Past is more and more far off you till it fade out people's view,but blank will become more and more big until it is a pale life.You can't understand today that is your sorriness,you ignore today that is your ignorant.Giving up today that is your loss cann't redemptive.Only seize the present firmly,it is can be a knowledge that you should master and apply.If you can have a pleasant mood to meet every sun,then we can say that you have present and a brilliant future.Own a nice present ,you will own a perfect life.Embrace today,future belongs to us!
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