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全球环境污染 英文
比利时的马斯河谷位于狭窄的盆地中,1930年12月1日—5日,气温发生逆转,致使工厂中排放的有害气体和煤烟粉尘在近地大气层中集聚不散,3天后开始有人发病。其症状表现为:胸痛、咳嗽、呼吸困难等,一星期内有60多人死亡,其中心脏病、肺病患者死亡率最高。同时,还有许多家畜致死。 事件发生期间,SO2浓度很高,并可能含有氟化物。事后分析认为,此次污染事件,是几种有害气体同煤烟粉尘对人体综合作用所致。
1. Belgium ghamas sulcatus ghamas sulcatus events in Belgium is located in the stenosisin basin in 1930, on 1 December, the temperature — 5, turning, resulting in a factory in the emission of harmful gases and flue dust in the near - Earth's atmosphere are gathering in 3 days after someone.its symptoms are: chest pain, cough, shortness of breath, etc., within one week there are over 60 people were killed, including heart disease, lung disease in patients with the highest mortality.at the same time, there are many livestocks lethals. the event occurs during the SO2 concentration is high, and may contain fluoride.hindsight this opinion, as several harmful gases with soot and dust 3、4 gossiypii chemotransmission.
2, the United States event donora donora dreamamerican sulcatus (Pennsylvania State in a small town.1948 on 26 October — 30 here most of the area affected by anticyclonic inverse temperature control, and 26 — 30 days of continuous foggy, cause of air pollutants in the atmosphere in the gathering.During this period, all over the town of 43% of the population, i.e. 591 successively -- people, symptoms are: sore throat, runny nose, thirst, velovity therapeuticl analyasis acid, tightness, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, and so on symptoms, death 17 people.It is estimated that an event occurs during normal SO2 concentration, a number of times and dust particles.analyses of SO2 and its products in the atmosphere of dust particles of engagement is damage caused by factors.property is the main damage caused by SO2 and chalcogenides dostrobiton, as well as the interaction of products.
3, London fog smoke event known as all of the United Kingdom, 1952 in London on 5 December — 8 date has been shrouded.During this period many people suffering from respiratory diseases, suddenly it booked London hospitals.four days, the number of deaths compared with the perennial an increase of 4 000 people, with a 45 - year - old killed more than most about is the number of deaths of three times, 1 - year - old following the death of a much lower than usual doubles.incidents of 1 week, because of bronchitis, tuberculosis, coronary heart disease, heart failure is the number of deaths respectively for peacetime similar disease deaths 9.three times, 2.4 times, 5.5 times, 2.eight times, due to pneumonia and lung cancer, flu and other patint deaths are much lower than usual multiplies.After two months and there are 8000 deaths.people in this connection, envent, London, believes that this was a lot of coal consumption.events during the highest concentration of dust particles up to 4.46 water, usually 10 times, SO2 concentrations of up to six times the usual in dense fog in the specific conditions, the smoke of oxidation to promote SO2 Fe2O3 SO3, forming H2SO4, and coagulable in the dust, forming the purified, become a killer