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Internet in our lives
The computer is really widely used in the world.We have entered the 21st century.The 21st century will undoubtedly be a century of information technology.As you know,computers are really widely used nowadays,all over the world.People use it to do business,they use it to make friends,and they use it to chat on the net,to play video games,to store all those important files and writings,and do all sorts of things.Generally speaking,computers play an important role in my life.
For example,you want to send emails to your friends abroad.OK,it’s very easy.You just turn on the computer and enter into the internet.With several minutes you have finished your letter on computer,you just log in any website,whether yahoo or sohu,either sina or 163,touch the keyboard,and your friend would see your greeting on the screen.With a video camera,he or she may see you.With a microphone,he may directly talk with you.It save the money,save the time and shorten the distance between you and anyone around China and across the world.
You may also use the computer to listen to CD's and to watch VCD's to learn English,drawing,chess and anything you could imagine.Some people use the computer to earn money,to earn a living.It's a really important part of my life.The world is becoming smaller and smaller,and we should learn to communicate with other people from foreign countries.So,with a computer,we can communicate more and more easily.To understand other people is very important.To use the computer to help you understand other people's minds plays a very important role.
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