II .完形填空(15小题,共15分) (2015 •四川内江)
I’m a cook in a restaurant. One day I went for a walk when suddenly I saw smoke. I went closer to 1 what was happening. It was coming from a house. At that time I saw the firemen rushing to the 2 and I ran to talk to one of them. I asked him 3 there was someone inside. He replied that there was a whole family and my heart missed a beat because I 4 that the family was in danger and that it was 5 for them to run away from the inside.
I asked if there was an extra (多余的) uniform for firemen. He said “6 ”,and I quickly wore it and went in with three more 7 . As I went inside it was so hot that I felt as if I was melting (熔化) . I passed by the living room and saw the curtains (窗帘) 8 . When the firemen were trying to put out the fire I found the people who 9 themselves behind the curtains. One of them was unlucky 10 he was seriously burnt and the rest were 11 . I handed them out of the burning house 12 . Finally we were safe from the danger and the firemen put out the fire bravely. The officer of the firemen 13 me for my courage to help those people.
That night I 14 not sleep because of all the excitement. Even now I am still 15 that I saved the people who were in danger. I'll never regret what I did.
1. A. draw B. see C. record D. explain
2. A. station B. restaurant C. supermarket D. house
3. A. why B. when C. whether D. how
4. A. realized B. mentioned C. expected D. told
5. A. simple B. important C. normal D. difficult
6. A. OK B. Yes C. No problem D. No way
7. A. firemen B. cooks C. customers D. doctors
8 A.lost B. watered C. burning D. flying
9. A. enjoyed B. hid C. hit D. saw
10. A. because B. before C. if D. though
11. A. angry B. wrong C. scared D. surprised
12. A. suddenly B. quietly C. politely D. quickly
13. A. called B. thanked C. asked D. found
14. A. would B. should C. might D. could
15. A. proud B. sad C. lucky D. upset
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