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Climate of Luoyang
Luoyang Located in the transition region of the warm-temperate zone, Monsoon circulation is evident; The municipality has four clear-cut seasons: four easons are distinct. Luoyang generally has very cold but less rain and snow in winter; Luoyang has dry and windy spring, and the city has very hot and centralized rainy summer and long sunny and sunshine in autumn. The annual average temperature is 14.7℃,Average precipitation mm (inches) 601.6mm。
Luoyang Located in the transition region of the warm-temperate zone, Monsoon circulation is evident; The municipality has four clear-cut seasons: four easons are distinct. Luoyang generally has very cold but less rain and snow in winter; Luoyang has dry and windy spring, and the city has very hot and centralized rainy summer and long sunny and sunshine in autumn. The annual average temperature is 14.7℃,Average precipitation mm (inches) 601.6mm。
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