Years ago while I lived in England part of my college task was to help the children with special needs.
I was chosen to 1 in a school with disabled children.The teacher asked me to 2 Nancy a ten-year-old girl.One of 3 hands could not move. At her school the teachers would think it was an achievement 4 she was able to put on her own coat. But I saw more in her.She had always wanted to put a string 5 the hole of a key.
For the 5 years Nancy was in the school the teachers always 6 to help her but always ended up doing all the work for her. I knew Nancy could do 7 so I encouraged her to do something herself. At first Nancy often failed and got very 8 . Sometimes I wanted to give up too. 9 ,
after a week Nancy was able to do 10 she had wanted to do alone for so many years. Her teachers cried 11 when they saw the thing she was able to do with just some encouragement.
Disabled people should 12 be told they can't do this or that With just some encouragement they can do it. The look 13 that girFs face when she was able to do it herself meant 14 to me.I hope everyone will encourage people to do all they want by themselves 15 telling them they can't do it.
Something is too small but it can make a difference.
1. A. read B. study C. work D. visit
2. A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look over
3. A. his B. her C. my D. your
4. A. before B. though C. if D. until
5. A. through B. across C. over D. into
6. A. failed B. refused C. agreed D. tried
7. A. less B. more C. nothing D. anything
8. A. excited B. pleased C. unsafe D. unhappy
9. A. And B. However C. But D. So
10. A. which B. that C. what D. how 1 l.
A. in danger B. in fear
C. with care D. with joy
12. A. never B. always C. often D. sometimes
13. A. of B. in C. on D. at
14. A. the earth B. the sun C. the moon D. the world
15. A. instead of B. because of
C. together with D. more than
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(2014江苏淮安中考)YearsagowhileIlivedinEnglandpartofmyco 2020-11-12 …