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21.欢迎参观中国国际高新技术成果交易会(China High-tech Fair).我们所在的位置是深圳会议展览中心.从2004年起,高交会每年秋季在这里举办.高交会以科技成果交易(transaction)为主要特色.
1.In recent years,however,the tide had turned against the multinationals,they are now viewed by many countries with suspicion.Some developing countries,in particular,have felt uneasy and have become concerned about their dependence on foreign investment in key sectors of their economy.
33 we confirmed our company has enough money to overseas markets.Therefore I draw a conclusion,should begin to make the company's products sell to us advance,and then enter to the world.We expect total sales increased 3%,so we will be occupied 20% of the domestic market,while in north we expect to get 7% of the market share.20.For the past three years,we launched a new drugs and vaccines (12),more than I vaccine in the history of any one of the three drugs,and in the number of new drugs have five in the past nine months.Last year,we have strengthened in innovation.21.Welcome to visit China hi-tech Fair (China High - wave-tech Fair).Our position is the shenzhen convention and exhibition center.Since 2004,the convention held in here every autumn.Shenzhen trade with scientific and technological achievements as the main characteristics of transaction ().
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