If you are in a supermarket and find no cashiers (收银员) in it 16 you give money for the things?
17 neighbours are having a test of honesty (诚信测试) now. The supermarket in our 18 has a special area. People can buy small things 19 pens and knives in this area. They need to scan (扫描) their things and then put the 20 into a box themselves (他们自己) . 21 watches them. All of them like to be honest persons. The special area is running very 22 now. Hundreds of visitors shop here every day. The 23 of the supermarket says he will not 24 this area.
I think the supermarket is doing a great 25 . Do you think so?
16.A. does B. are C. shall D. will
17.A. My B. We C. I D. Me
18.A. school B. class C. neighbourhood D. grade
19.A. like B. with C.for D. as
20.A. things B. money C.bag D. name
21.A. No one B. Something C.Everyone D. Anyone
22.A. poor B. bad C. right D. well
23.A. manager B. policeman C.postman D. waiter
24.A. close B. open C. fix D. start
25.A. lesson B. problem C.job D. work
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