早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1,The guest of honour. In western food, main Penn highly respected. Even some of the guests to dinner in position, identity, and older than the guest, but in the guest host is still the center of attention. When the scheduled, should please fit into Penn male and close to the hostess and respectively, so as to further master seated by care.
2,Ladies first. In western etiquette, lady has respect everywhere. When dining seating arrangement in scheduled, emic generally should please the hostess, male host sit back while the second principal shall place.
3With the right for honour. J When the scheduled to fit right for honour is still basic pointer. Just a particular position is concerned, its right bit higher than its left bits. For example, should be arranged male the guest sit right, should be arranged into hostess sitting right. Male master buena
4.Face immediately. J Sometimes also called YingMen for. It refers to the front seat, facing the restaurant, usually in sequence on his front than restaurant table.
5Distance positioning. Generally speaking, western-style food table seating arrangement with the honour low, often far from a closely related to the Lord. Normally, from emic nearly seat from emic far above the table.
6Cross arrangement. With Chinese food, diners often possible and acquaintances, especially its lovers, spouse together with western food, but in seats, the situation then ceased to exist. Business people have attended the formal western dinner party, in arrangement, should keep fit the principle of cross arrangement. According to this principle, men and women should cross arrangement, strangers shall also be cross arrangement with acquaintances. Therefore, a diner and bilateral, often the opposite was straight and could not familiar with. To do so, it is said that the biggest advantage is can make more friends. However, it also requires the best diner, and the number was even men are fifty-fifty.
2,Ladies first. In western etiquette, lady has respect everywhere. When dining seating arrangement in scheduled, emic generally should please the hostess, male host sit back while the second principal shall place.
3With the right for honour. J When the scheduled to fit right for honour is still basic pointer. Just a particular position is concerned, its right bit higher than its left bits. For example, should be arranged male the guest sit right, should be arranged into hostess sitting right. Male master buena
4.Face immediately. J Sometimes also called YingMen for. It refers to the front seat, facing the restaurant, usually in sequence on his front than restaurant table.
5Distance positioning. Generally speaking, western-style food table seating arrangement with the honour low, often far from a closely related to the Lord. Normally, from emic nearly seat from emic far above the table.
6Cross arrangement. With Chinese food, diners often possible and acquaintances, especially its lovers, spouse together with western food, but in seats, the situation then ceased to exist. Business people have attended the formal western dinner party, in arrangement, should keep fit the principle of cross arrangement. According to this principle, men and women should cross arrangement, strangers shall also be cross arrangement with acquaintances. Therefore, a diner and bilateral, often the opposite was straight and could not familiar with. To do so, it is said that the biggest advantage is can make more friends. However, it also requires the best diner, and the number was even men are fifty-fifty.
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