早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.我们的电影叫Family Album,U.S.A..讲的是一个摄影爱好者Richard Stewart丢包又复得的事.在电影中共有五个角色,Richard Stewart 、Martha Vann、 Alexandra 、 officer 和Robbie .现在,Richard Stewart去海边摄影,下面是Richard Stewart在海边摄影所发生的事:
2.Alexandra 捡了Richard Stewart的包在他的包内发现了Richard Stewart家的住址,但她对城市的街道不是很熟悉,所以她问了街道上的一个警察:
1.我们的电影叫Family Album,U.S.A..讲的是一个摄影爱好者Richard Stewart丢包又复得的事.在电影中共有五个角色,Richard Stewart 、Martha Vann、 Alexandra 、 officer 和Robbie .现在,Richard Stewart去海边摄影,下面是Richard Stewart在海边摄影所发生的事:
2.Alexandra 捡了Richard Stewart的包在他的包内发现了Richard Stewart家的住址,但她对城市的街道不是很熟悉,所以她问了街道上的一个警察:
1.Our film is named Family Album,USA,which tells a story about a photography enthusiast who loses his bag and finds it again.There are five roles in all,Richard Stewart,Martha Vann,Alexandra,officer and Robbie.Now Richard Stewart goes to take photos in the seashore,and what happens next is as belows:
2.Alexandra finds Richard Stewart's bag in which she discovers his home address.However,she is unfamilar with the city routes,so she asks a police on the street for help.
1.Our film is named Family Album,USA,which tells a story about a photography enthusiast who loses his bag and finds it again.There are five roles in all,Richard Stewart,Martha Vann,Alexandra,officer and Robbie.Now Richard Stewart goes to take photos in the seashore,and what happens next is as belows:
2.Alexandra finds Richard Stewart's bag in which she discovers his home address.However,she is unfamilar with the city routes,so she asks a police on the street for help.
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若A地海拔4150米,气温-6摄氏度,B处海拔是150米,则B处气温是多少摄氏度 2020-06-05 …
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某校兴趣小组坐游轮拍摄海河两岸美景.如图,游轮出发点A与望海楼B的距离为300m,在A处测得望海楼 2020-06-15 …
我国第一部有声电影是由哪里拍摄的[]A.北京丰泰照相馆B.上海电影制片厂C.上海明星影片公司D.北 2020-06-15 …
下列说法正确的是()A.天燃气是可再生的能源B.“白色污染就是指白颜色的垃圾C.吃海产品有利于碘的 2020-07-01 …
如图所示是某地等高线地形图,下列判断正确的是()A.若AB间的图上距离为2厘米,则其实际距离为200 2020-11-10 …
图中影视城是我国著名的电影电视拍摄基地,该基地的外景景观特色是()A.林海雪原B.奇山秀水C.椰风海 2020-11-21 …
如图是拍摄于山海关的历史照片,图中的解放军主力即将参加()A.辽沈战役B.淮海战役C.平津战役D.渡 2020-11-30 …