早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Today is Sunday.lt's warm and sunny.Tom,Jane,Ben and Mary are in the park.Tom is watching insects.Jane is taking pictures.Ben is readung a book.What is Mary doing?Mary is catching butterflies.They're having a good time.
1.What day is it today?
2.ls Tom flaying a kite?
3.What is Mary doing?
4.What is Ben doing?
5.Are they having a good time?
Today is Sunday.lt's warm and sunny.Tom,Jane,Ben and Mary are in the park.Tom is watching insects.Jane is taking pictures.Ben is readung a book.What is Mary doing?Mary is catching butterflies.They're having a good time.
1.What day is it today?
2.ls Tom flaying a kite?
3.What is Mary doing?
4.What is Ben doing?
5.Are they having a good time?
no,he isn't
catching butterflies
reading a book
yes,they are
no,he isn't
catching butterflies
reading a book
yes,they are
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