早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


帮忙翻译一些东西 自己实在忙不过来了 明早5点就要用.
11.The 1.248 billionth Chinese was born in 1999.
12.He had left a note of welcome for me,as sunny as his face.
13.He acts a lot older than his years.
14.Very straightforward by nature,Mrs.Franck believes in speaking her mind.
15.He is the last person I will see.His rudeness is beyond endurance.
16.Cigarettes are the death of me.I became acquaintance with my killer when I was 14.
17.A friendship network is absolutely crucial for our well-being adults.
18.The plumber didn’t feel disturbed by Mrs.Smith’s complaint.
19.The only concession he made to the climate was to wear a white dinner jacket.
20.If you feel depressed at a social gathering,keep it a secret.
1 When your children are grown up they want to live their lives,and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young,you are likely to become a burden to them,unless they are unusually callous.
2 Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.
3 When winds blow sand particles against a large rock for a longtime,the softer layers of the rock are slowly worn away.
4 Where internal corrosion is known to exist,the following practices can be employed.
5 All gases at 0 ℃ are found to gain 1 part in 273 of their volume when heated to10℃,so long as the pressure is maintained constant.
6 Petroleum as it is found in the earth is a combination of several fractions.
7 Although it is we who are really moving,the stars all seem to circle round a point exactly above our North Pole if we live north of the equator.
8.Whether you remain in England,or journey to Italy,believe that you carry with you my anxious wishes for your health,happiness and success,wherever you are,or whatever you undertake.
9 After all,it did not matter much,because in 24 hours,they were going to be free.
l0 He was not only surprised but,to start with,extremely suspicious,as he had every reason to be
感谢eachkid兄 那么我就内定您的答案了
其他的兄弟看到后 就不必熬夜了。

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