早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Fill in the biaks with the words and expressions given below ,changing the formif necessary.{favor / enjoy / rank /help...out /popular / import / contain / pay attention to} 1) UK is willing to( )Americans( )when the US government is in hard times,but it alwaysgets a lot of troubles itself.2) In our tea break,may I ask a( )of you?3)Private cars are getting very popular now .Each year,our country( )cars fron Japan and Germany.4)Please( )what I am saying.I'll never repeat it to you.5) Jeans( )among the young since she shares high reputation in the music world.6)Does this Chinese scholar( )among the successful writers as he haswon the Nobl Prize this year?
1. help out 2. favor 3. imported 4. pay attention to 5. is popular 6. ranked