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Today it's the eleven of august.until 300 days to college enterance exam.I learn liberal arts.History,Geography and
Politics not very difficult for me.Except Math.Math exam is most
difficult.As a student we can't lost any subject.We should learn to all well.So work hard is best thing that we should do at once.
Have a great gold and have good habit.Persevere exercise every day.
If you can dream it you can do it!
Today is August 11th,300 more days to the college entrance examinations.I study Liberal Arts,Histroty,Geography and Politics,which are not ver difficult for me.Execpt for Maths.Maths examination is mo...

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用matlab编写程序:建立一个5阶的均匀分布的随机矩阵,并完成以下的任务:1:求矩阵的行列式,转  2020-05-20 …

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描写声音洪亮、细微、和善、粗野、坚定的古诗、片段、名人片段.名诗名句要求每类两句,名人名言要求每类两  2020-12-12 …

有2.7吨水泥,6名工人叔叔一起用手推车搬运,3次刚好搬完,平均每人每次搬了多少吨?方法一:先求每人  2020-12-15 …

求解方程!商店购进某种物品,进价是每个20元,销售价是每个25元,现为扩大销售量,将每个商品的销售价  2020-12-31 …