早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A lovely bird
Yesterday,my father found a bird at the bus station and took it to our home.
This bird is very lovely.It has black feather and a yellow bill.But anyone didn’t know what kind of bird is it.
In the evening,my father brought a big box,and put the bird into it.
To our surprise,today’s morning at about half past five,we heard some strange noise.My parents and me all were frighten.We got up quickly and went to the balcony to look for the place which is the noise came from.After a whale,we heard another voice.It said”HELLO,HELLO”
“Oh,it was the bird cry”my father said.
Then we took it to the animal store.The shopkeeper told us that it was a myna.
“Oh,really?”I was very exciting.Beacause this kind of birds are very clever.They can say some easy words and phrases.
I gave it a name that is “little black”I think I will be its friend later on.
A lovely bird
Yesterday,my father found a bird at the bus station and took it to our home.
This bird is very lovely.It has black feather and a yellow bill.But anyone didn’t know what kind of bird is it.
In the evening,my father brought a big box,and put the bird into it.
To our surprise,today’s morning at about half past five,we heard some strange noise.My parents and me all were frighten.We got up quickly and went to the balcony to look for the place which is the noise came from.After a whale,we heard another voice.It said”HELLO,HELLO”
“Oh,it was the bird cry”my father said.
Then we took it to the animal store.The shopkeeper told us that it was a myna.
“Oh,really?”I was very exciting.Beacause this kind of birds are very clever.They can say some easy words and phrases.
I gave it a name that is “little black”I think I will be its friend later on.
But anyone didn’t know what kind of bird is it.错错错错But noone knew what kind of bird it is-ed adj.错了两次 My parents and me all were frighten I was very excitingtoday’s morning at about half pas...
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