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过去,绝大多数的学者(academics)持一个观点说大学应该在课程之间(throughout their courses)只提供基于理论的教育( theoretically-based approach to teaching),而不是(as opposed to)像最近的趋势(trend towards)涵盖更多的实际经验(hands-on experience)的经验主义式的知识习得(empirical acquisition of knowledge).在得到学历的期间(while undertaking their degrees)去学重要的学术信息是对学生最有效的方式吗?毫无疑问,学术学习的风格的优缺点必须被评估(evaluate).
过去,绝大多数的学者(academics)持一个观点说大学应该在课程之间(throughout their courses)只提供基于理论的教育( theoretically-based approach to teaching),而不是(as opposed to)像最近的趋势(trend towards)涵盖更多的实际经验(hands-on experience)的经验主义式的知识习得(empirical acquisition of knowledge).在得到学历的期间(while undertaking their degrees)去学重要的学术信息是对学生最有效的方式吗?毫无疑问,学术学习的风格的优缺点必须被评估(evaluate).
In the past, most of the academics held an idea that the university were supposed to offer only the theoretically-based approach to teaching throughout their courses as opposed to the trend towards of the empirical acquisition of knowledge which covered more hands-on experience. Does the accumulation of the important academic information rank the most efficient way for the students of learning while undertaking their degrees? There is no doubt that the advantages and the disadvantages of the academical study have to be evaluate.
In the past, most of the academics held an idea that the university were supposed to offer only the theoretically-based approach to teaching throughout their courses as opposed to the trend towards of the empirical acquisition of knowledge which covered more hands-on experience. Does the accumulation of the important academic information rank the most efficient way for the students of learning while undertaking their degrees? There is no doubt that the advantages and the disadvantages of the academical study have to be evaluate.
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在平面直角坐标系中,若横坐标、纵坐标均为整数点称为格点,若一个多边形的顶点都是格点,则称为格点多边 2020-06-21 …
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如图,多边形的各顶点都在方格纸的格点(横竖格子线的交错点)上,这样的多边形称为格点多边形,它的面积S 2020-11-01 …
在平面直角坐标系中,若点P(x,y)的坐标x,y均为整数,则称点P为格点.若一个多边形的顶点全是格点 2020-11-18 …
在边长为1的小正方形组成的方格纸中,若多边形的各顶点都在方格纸的格点(横竖格子线的交错点)上,这样的 2020-11-18 …
跪求初三时间合理安排(最主要是怎样充分利用课余时间)早上七点多上课,十二点多下课,中午有一个多小时的 2020-12-01 …
飞车的5000点卷等于多少Q点多少元钱?资费介绍:花费5元可获得35个Q点。花费10元可获得70个Q 2020-12-08 …
有关树的问题,只是想确认一下,在结点个数为n(n>1)的各棵树中,高度最小的树的高度是多少?它有多少 2020-12-19 …
柳公权的名言多点多点多点多点多点多点多点多点多点多点多点多点多点多点多点多点 2021-01-17 …