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2.参考词汇:紧张 tension.
Traveling around the world is not only an effective way for people to ease tension in daily life and work,but also is a direct way to explore the wonder of the world and other cultures.Nowadays international tourism has become a rapidly developing industry.However,many people maintain that traveling to other parts of the world creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures(高分句型一).I think there are some valid points in this argument.
The difference in language,culture,customs,and lifestyle often results in conflicts between tourists and local residents.People from various cultures often have different attitudes towards the same thing or behavior,thus causing further misunderstanding.Besides,the increase of international tourists will directly lead to the rise of prices,the problem of traffic congestion,and the worsening of environment(高分句型二).So it is not strange for international tourists to sense the obvious hostility from local inhabitants.
Wonderful as it seems to be,the negative aspects of the international tourism cannot be overlooked.Anyone going to another country should be taught to observe local customs and understand the conventional wisdoms of that country.Otherwise a well-intentioned vacation may turn out to be a nightmare.

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