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1.Millie的西红柿比Kitty少,Millie的西红柿最少. Millie's tomatoes are less than Kitty's, Millie has the least tomatoes. 2.John学习的科目比Nancy多,但我学的科目最多. John studies more subjects than Nancy, but I study the most subjects. 3.我的空闲时间比他多. I have more spare time than him. 4.John的领带和Tina的领带颜色是一样的. John's tie is the same color as Tina's. 5.美国的校园生活和英国的校园生活不一样. Campus life in the U.S. is different from the campus life in the UK. 6.Amy吃的饭比Daniel少,Amy吃的饭最少. Amy eats less than Daniel, Amy eats the least food. 7.我的钢笔像你的. My pen is like yours. 8.每年我的弟弟比我少休几星期的假. Every year my younger brother takes a couple weeks less vacation than me. 9.我的朋友比他少. I have less friends than him. 10.我的父亲比我母亲大一岁. My father is one year longer than my mother. 11.Mary的妈妈看起来不如你妈妈年轻. Mary's mother looks older than your mother. 12.我们的教室比他们的明亮得多. Our classroom is much brighter than theirs.