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  巫溪县幅员面积4030平方公里, 其中耕地面积568845亩,园地19110亩,林地3510000亩,草地477000亩,工矿用地20310亩,交通用地24210亩,水域用地71070亩,未利用土地1024636.7亩.在568845亩耕地中,田44355亩,土524490亩;未利用土地亩中,荒草地813808.5亩;林业用地5016447亩中,有林地2841451.5亩,灌木林606183亩,疏林地316680亩,未成林造林地212787亩,宜林荒地1026924亩,难利用地12421.5亩.
Land Resources
The area of Wuxi si 4030km^2, including 568845 mu of cultivated land, 19110 mu of gardening area, 3510000 mu of forestland, 477000 mu of grassland, 20310 mu of mining area, 24210 mu of traffic area, 71070 mu of waters, and 1024636.7 mu of unused land. In the 568845 mu of cultivated land, there are 44355 mu of farmland and 524490 mu of soil. In the unused land area, there are 813808.5 mu of grassland. In the 5016447 mu of forestlan, there are 2841451.5 mu of forest, 606183 mu of spinny, 316680 mu of woodland, 212787 mu of potencial forest, 1026924 mu of wasteland that is suitable for forest, and 12421.5 mu of wateland that cannot be used.