早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



   Mary’s mother waited for her in the car. Mary knew that she would be late if she didn’t hurry (赶快) but she didn’t care. It is her birthday today.

   Ten minutes later Mary opened the car door. Her mother said “Don’t forget to go home with Cindy today.” Mary felt a little disappointed (失望的). She really hoped to have a party today but her mother had to work late tonight. She promised Mary that they could have a party next week.

   “I won’t forget ” replied Mary. When she arrived at school she got out of the car and said goodbye to her mother. It seemed that her mother didn’t care. Mary walked into the school. She hoped her friends would remember that she turned eight today.

   “Hi Mary. Happy birthday ” said Julie.

   Mary smiled and asked “Julie can you come to my party next week?”

   Julie said “I am sorry Mary but I can’t.”

   During the day things didn’t go much better. All of her friends said they could not go to her party next week. At the end of the school day Mary felt very sad.

   Evening came and Cindy’s mother drove Mary home. When Mary opened the door the house was dark. Her mother didn’t even get home yet! She felt very sad.


   All the lights in Mary’s house came on. Her mother and all of her friends were there! There were many gifts in the living room. Then she ran into the kitchen. Her mother prepared her favorite meal and a big chocolate cake. “Thank you Mom!” Mary said happily.

(   )1. Why didn’t Mary’s mother seem to care when Mary said goodbye to her?

A. Because she didn’t care about Mary.       B. Because she tried to finish her work first.

C. Because she forgot it is Mary’s birthday today.

D. Because she didn’t want Mary to know about the party.

(   )2. How old is Mary?

A. Eight.                B. Nine.                 C. Ten.                  D. Eleven.

(   )3. Mary invited Julie to her party _____.

A. tonight              B. next day            C. next week         D. next month

(   )4. Mary felt _____ after school finished.

A. sad                   B. happy             C. surprised             D. relaxed

(   )5. What did Mary’s mother do for her?

A. She drove Mary home.                B. She did the housework.

C. She bought Mary a beautiful skirt.D. She prepared Mary’s favorite meal.


1D  2A  3C  4A  5D