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"the Olympics Charter" declared that the Olympics principle is the enhancement physique,the will and the spirit and causes it full scale development one kind of life philosophy.holds the Olympic Games,not only leaves behind the precious material inheritance to China,was in the demonstration country image,the promotion civilized degree,popularizes promotion countries and so on Olympic Games spirit,education younger generation “the soft strength” the aspect to leave behind a more precious energetic inheritance,will certainly to benefit China,the benefit and the posterity.the Olympics ideal surmounting political system,the ideology,the race skin color and the cultural difference,have the Pu world values,the Olympics olympic flag,thus becomes the universe common flag.In the world which grand occasion,hasn't been able to look like the Olympic Games such to cause the universe under the identical piece blue sky,same flag,identical bunch of ceremonial fire,the identical kind of rule side-by-side,hand in hand,strives for success for the victory,competes for the friendship.the China holds Olympic Games,is an East and West civilization big fusion.Through Olympic Games this window,China accelerated to move toward the world,world thorough understanding China.the China holds Olympic Games,is socialism China insisted that the reform and open policy,observes the international rules,the fulfillment international obligations,to undertake a great nation responsibility big demonstration.the China holds Olympic Games,is the national cohesion and five kinds “the Olympic Games spirit” a big inspection.the China holds Olympic Games,is a social civilized degree big promotion.Beijing and 5 domestic joint cities in March,2006 proposed that the development “welcomes Olympic Games,to stress the civilization,the tree new atmosphere” to strike root in the hearts of the people,wins initial success.the China holds Olympic Games,is the Olympics ideal as well as pursue peace,the equality,the morals,enterprising,Olympics Pu world values and so on participation,sense of responsibility and fair competition big popularizations.“the Olympics curriculum” enters the Chinese 556 elementary and middle schools,this globally is rare the magnificent feat which,as soon as sees.After Olympics' baptism,the Chinese younger generation will have the social justice,fair and the sense of responsibility,will have the friendly affection,the cooperation,the participation,the sacrificing spirit,even more will conform with legal and in the moral frame competes and strives for success,this will be Beijing Olympic Games leaves Contemporary China and favors and one of posterity's most precious energetic inheritances.2001 the year on July 13 Moscow,in the bidding city closing statement,China “Olympic Games old person” He Zhenliang facing the international Olympic committee members,get excited read aloud such opening and the ending:“regardless of you make what kind of choice today,will go down in history.But has one kind of decision to be possible to create the history.You this decision may promote the world and China today through the sports friendly supports in the same place,thus benefits the universe.”“if you conduct in 2008 Olympic Games' honor to award Beijing,the dear colleagues,I may guarantee to you:7 years later,Beijing will let you for today's decision,but is proud!” that moment,these reviewed in succession really broad committee members to move .the Beijing and other do jointly the city still to face many difficulties,needed to improve many links:Beijing's transportation still supports stops up,the environmental pollution was still more serious; The Olympic Games host city's language environment has not been able to be satisfying,the volunteer quality awaits improvements,the organization committee managerial effectiveness and the level await the enhancement,the social civilized degree enhancement are an item long-term and arduous duty .the but Beijing and China to offer the result which “the high level,has characteristic” the Olympic Games to demonstrate the sincerity which,pays diligently and obtains actually to be obvious to all.We have the reason to anticipate international Olympic committee member 200 days later will be 7 year ago choice,but is proud.the ceremonial fire taciturnity,the history testifies,the Olympic Games milestone,the people create!
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