早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Dear Mr.Li,
I'm getting along well with my reading.
Jiang Hua.
Hello,boys and girls, How are you getting along with your after-class English reading?I want to know what you expect most from me.I would be very thankful if you could answer the following questions: ●How long do you spend on after-class English reading every day? ●How much do you like the selected books? ●What do you find most helpful? ●What do you find most difficult? ●What suggestions do you have for after-class English reading? Yours, Mr.Li |
Dear Mr.Li,
I'm getting along well with my reading.
Jiang Hua.
Dear Mr.Li,
I'm getting along well with my reading.I usually spend one hour on after-class English reading every day.I like these selected books very much because they are very helpful and interesting.(高分句型一)(作者所花时间和感受)The most helpful for us,in my opinion,is that these selected books are full of pictures which can teach us how to pronounce the English words correctly.(高分句型二)(作者认为最有帮助的是什么) However,I think English grammars are very difficult so I often make some mistakes.(作者认为最难的是什么)Therefore,when you have some problems,you can ask our teachers for help or use the computers to help you.(作者所提建议)
Jiang Hua.
I'm getting along well with my reading.I usually spend one hour on after-class English reading every day.I like these selected books very much because they are very helpful and interesting.(高分句型一)(作者所花时间和感受)The most helpful for us,in my opinion,is that these selected books are full of pictures which can teach us how to pronounce the English words correctly.(高分句型二)(作者认为最有帮助的是什么) However,I think English grammars are very difficult so I often make some mistakes.(作者认为最难的是什么)Therefore,when you have some problems,you can ask our teachers for help or use the computers to help you.(作者所提建议)
Jiang Hua.
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