早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
两人对话 最好没旁白 每人最好有七八句
两人对话 最好没旁白 每人最好有七八句
g.w.bush:doctor,what is wrong with my brain?
doctor:your brain is perfectly ok.
w.bush:how come?
doctor:you are the same as everybody else,having right brain and life brain.
doctor:but yours is even far better than all the others.
doctor:yes,sir,everybody’s brain is not seperated so perfect.but yours is an exception.
w.bush:tell me how could it be an exception,not because I am the head of USA.I hope.
doctor:sir,your brain is really seperated completely,there is nothing right in your left brain,and there is nothing left in your right brain.
doctor:your brain is perfectly ok.
w.bush:how come?
doctor:you are the same as everybody else,having right brain and life brain.
doctor:but yours is even far better than all the others.
doctor:yes,sir,everybody’s brain is not seperated so perfect.but yours is an exception.
w.bush:tell me how could it be an exception,not because I am the head of USA.I hope.
doctor:sir,your brain is really seperated completely,there is nothing right in your left brain,and there is nothing left in your right brain.
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