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经过一个漫长夏天的等待,gossip girl又和我们见面了。在第四季的第一集里,Blair和Serena一起去了巴黎,开始了她们充满购物,美食,和约会的日子。Georgina和dan的孩子出生了,这让dan手足无措,但是Lily和Rufus同意了dan来抚养这个孩子,而georgina在dan和孩子睡觉的时候带着护照和行李偷偷地离开了,不知去向何方。在这集中,真正的gossip girl出现了,名叫Juliet,她精心设计了一个接近Nate的计划,并且十分奏效。而在第三季中受到枪伤的chuck被一个女生救起,但是似乎失忆了。在chuck的伤好了后,他们也去了巴黎。
After a long summer's waiting,we see "Gossip Girls" again.In the first episode of Season IV,Blair and Serena went to Paris together,enjoying their shopping spree,gourmet restaurants and romantic dates.Georgina and Dan had their child,which drove Dan to a helpless state.Lily and Refus approved of Dan's guardianship of the child,while Georgina sneaked away with her passport and baggage when Dan and their child were asleep.No one knew where she went.Also in this episode,the real "gossip girl" appeared,a Juliet namely,who plotted to approach Nate,and it worked.Chuck,who was wounded by a gun shot and saved by a girl in Season III,seemed to have lost his memory.When he got recovered,they also went to Paris.