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The world New Year customs new year, always bring good wishes. In this addition to new year's day, people all over the world for its create new styles, unique way to greet the arrival of the new year. Greece: New Year's day, all the families have to do a big cake, put a coin inside. The cake is cut several blocks, shared by family and friends. Who ate a piece of cake with a coin, who will become the new year the most fortunate people, we all congratulate him. Brazil: Brazilians in the new year's day, hold high the torch, swarming climbing. People fall over each other to find the symbol of happy金桦fruit. Only the bull by the horns of the people, to find this rare fruit. They call it "find blessing". Brazil has a unique rural customs -- is to pull each other's ears, people on New Year's day meeting, must energetically grabbed each other 's ears, said the blessing. Mexico: Mexico and some areas in the new year comes the prohibition of laughter, the year is divided into 18 months,20 days a month, a year the last 5 days are not allowed to laugh. Scotland: Scotland people in the new year's Eve, each and every family will be placed in front of some money, no guard, thieves and beggars in the evening that day, see nor move. Because the local custom, new year's Eve, put money on the outside, the new year comes, early in the morning when I opened the door, saw the money, take the" at the sight of .".

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