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修改下我这篇中翻英的初稿 急
生活开始变得复杂.然而,无论自己变得是否庸俗,变得伟大,盼头依然天天有;盼信件,盼稿件被采用,盼发奖金,盼某事有满意结果,盼一次聚会、一次旅行…… 人就在盼中找到了依托.
Life comes to be complex.However,no matter what we will be,to be common,or to be great?Still the very thing being everyday is hope.We hope for correspondence’s coming,hope for manuscript being adopted,hope for bonus and the satisfied ending of something ,besides we also hope for the happy time getting together as well as being out….Then it is hope,from which people find the place for them to lean upon.
e 没有盼头的日子是苍白不可想象的.人,得天天有点什么盼头,生活才不至于暗淡.有了盼头,会觉得太阳每天都是新的.不管是望梅止渴,还是画饼充饥,它都会激励你不停手中的桨,去追逐哪怕一星微小的火光.
Without hope,life will empty and gloomy beyond our imagination.To human,it is necessary to have something to look forward to,thus the life cannot too be gloom.With it,even the sun today we will think is different from yesterday.In spite of consoling oneself with vain hopes,or drawing cakes to stave off hunger-feed on illusions,hope will inspired you to keep bending to the oar,pursing the firelight even it is too slim to be see.Land without moisture becomes the desert.While Human without hope,can he be?Small hope supports one day’s life while big hope one life.
请参考以下多处改动以更符合英美语言习惯:生活开始变得复杂.然而,无论自己变得是否庸俗,变得伟大,盼头依然天天有;盼信件,盼稿件被采用,盼发奖金,盼某事有满意结果,盼一次聚会、一次旅行…… 人就在盼中找到了依托....