早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Take note of the fact that you,the dog owner,cannot control your dog causing a continual nuisance that damages the quality of life in your neighborhood.There's nothing more annoying to most people than a dog that barks and nothing more confusing than trying to understand the deficient (有缺陷的)mentality of the dog owner who allows his dog to do so.After all,the irresponsible dog owner hears the barking too,and so those who must put up with it arc continually left wondering-what are they thinking,are they deaf?
Take note of the fact that you,the dog owner,cannot control your dog causing a continual nuisance that damages the quality of life in your neighborhood.There's nothing more annoying to most people than a dog that barks and nothing more confusing than trying to understand the deficient (有缺陷的)mentality of the dog owner who allows his dog to do so.After all,the irresponsible dog owner hears the barking too,and so those who must put up with it arc continually left wondering-what are they thinking,are they deaf?
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