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首先,实施创新驱动是提升国际竞争力的有效路径。 其次, 实施创新驱动是转变经济发展方式的根本途径。 再者, 实施创新驱动发展战略是提升科技实力的战略选择。总之,在21世纪全球经济急速发展的局势下,创新驱动是大势所趋。
网上翻译找来的:The essence of innovation drive refers to rely on independent innovation, give full play to science and technology support for the economic and social and leading role, increase scientific and technological progress's contribution rate of the economy, realize the comprehensive, balanced and sustainable economic and social development and comprehensive national strength.No matter from the national level, or organizational level of science and technology, innovation drive of far-reaching significance.From the Angle of national economic and social development:
First, the implementation of innovation drive is an effective path to improve international competitiveness.Second, the implementation of innovation is the basic way for transformation of the pattern of economic development.Moreover, implement the strategy of innovation driven development is to improve the strategic choice of science and technology power.In a word, in the 21st century, rapid development of the global economic situation, the innovation drive is the trend of The Times.

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超市决定招聘广告策划人员一名,某应聘者三项素质测试的成绩如表:测试项目创新能力综合知识语言表达测试  2020-07-25 …

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急求翻译一段话~跪谢大神创新驱动的本质是指依靠自主创新,充分发挥科技对经济社会的支撑和引领作用,大幅  2020-11-24 …

当今世界,科学技术是当今世界,科学技术是综合国力竞争的决定性因素,自主创新是支撑一个国家崛起的筋骨.  2020-12-03 …

下列说法有误的一项是A.新闻又称消息,通常分为动态新闻、综合新闻、典型报道和新闻评论四类B.新闻在结  2020-12-07 …

材料一:2009年中国区域创新能力综合排名前八位12345678江苏广东北京上海浙江山东天津四川注:  2020-12-10 …

十八大报告指出:科技创新是提高社会生产力和综合国力的战略支撑,必须摆在国家发展核心位置.我国提出到2  2020-12-14 …

“天宫一号”的成功升空:①说明我国的科技实力和综合国力又上了一个新台阶②标志我国科技总体水平已步入世  2020-12-14 …

面对经济企球化趋势,我国应当①彭大力发展发经济,增强综合国力②加速科技进步和技术创新③避开全球趋势,  2021-01-09 …