Maybe Snoopy is the coolest dog in the world; maybe Snoopy is one of the greatest kids on two legs. He is a happy-go-luck( 逍遥自在的 )dog everyone loves.
Snoopy is the pet of Charlie Brown whose name Snoopy could never remember. For Snoopy his master is just “that round-headed kid” who brings him his meals.
Snoopy never speaks but he can make himself understood by using facial expressions( 面部表情 )and thought balloons( 思想泡泡 ).
① In Snoopy’s little head he is everything but a dog. Since 1960s Snoopy has been standing on two legs instead of four and doing independent thinking. Here are two perfect examples to prove this point. Charlie once told Snoopy “Look Snoopy that boy throws a branch then his dog will run to pick it and bring the branch back.” Hearing this Snoopy picked up a branch and threw it. At another time Charlie read his newspaper to Snoopy “It says that there will be a dog-show. Will you think about it?” Snoopy thought “How can I? I don’t even have a dog!”
1 、 What does Snoopy think of his master?
2 、将 ① 处译成汉语
3 、判断正 (T) 误 (F)
( )We can understand Snoopy by his facial expressions and his speaking.
4 、 What do the two examples prove in the passage?
5 、 Can Snoopy remember Charlie Brown his master’s name? ________________________________
1. Snoopy thinks his master is just “that round-he aded kid” who brings him his meal.
2. 在史努比的小小脑袋里
他绝不是一只狗 .
3. F
4. The two examples prove that in Snoopy’ s little he ad he is everything but a dog.
5. No he can’t.
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