早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Merry:Hi,Mike.Have you heard something about Jane?
Mike:Yep,I've heard that she won the speech competition yesterday.Is that true?
Ada:Of course.I always look on she as thebest speaker of this middle school.
Lucas:Where is she now?
Gina:Most probably,in the library,I think.
Merry:I do think she is a hardworking girl.
Lucas:Oh,she's coming.
Jane:Hey,guys.What are you talking about?
Gina:We are talking about you,hardworking girl.Could you give us some advices to deliver a
good speech?
Jane:Thank you.As for advice,I think you should practice more to make progress.
Ada:Here goes the bell.Let's back to our seat.
Mike:Yep,I've heard that she won the speech competition yesterday.Is that true?
Ada:Of course.I always look on she as thebest speaker of this middle school.
Lucas:Where is she now?
Gina:Most probably,in the library,I think.
Merry:I do think she is a hardworking girl.
Lucas:Oh,she's coming.
Jane:Hey,guys.What are you talking about?
Gina:We are talking about you,hardworking girl.Could you give us some advices to deliver a
good speech?
Jane:Thank you.As for advice,I think you should practice more to make progress.
Ada:Here goes the bell.Let's back to our seat.
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