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A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time.As an activity people (31) to for pleasure,it takes (32) everything from raising pets and building model ships to climbing mountains and collecting stamps.There is (33) large variety of hobbies that anyone can follow a satisfying hobby,(34) his age,position or income.
At (35) time,most people were too busy (36) a living to have many hobbies.(37) ,things have been changed today since machines have,greatly,(38) the amount of time they must spend on their jobs.(39) the meantime,more people are retiring than (40) before,and also at a(n) (41) age.Those (42) are absorbed in hobbies never need to worry about (43) to do with their newly-found leisure time.
People who have taken u hobbies can benefit a lot.(44) the enjoyment these activities can (45) ,they can also help people relax after (46) of hard work and,at the same time,provide them (47) certain knowledge.Sometimes hobbies can even (48) the friendship among those who (49) the same interest with each other.A famous doctor once expressed the (50) of hobbies by saying “No man is really happy or safe without a hobby.”
31.A) turn B) tend C) come D) go
32.A) over B) off C) in D) on
33.A) a very B) a such C) so a D) such a
34.A) in front of B) despite of C) because of D) regardless of
35.A) same B) some C) one D) any
36.A) doing B) making C) working D) finding
37.A) However B) Therefore C) Still D) Also
38.A) increased B) reduced C) doubled D) eliminated
39.A) On B) At C) By D) In
40.A) far B) just C) ever D) much
41.A) earlier B) younger C) later D) older
42.A) whom B) which C) that D) who
43.A) when B) how C) where D) what
44.A) Instead of B) In case of C) In spite of D) In addition to
45.A) make B) carry C) offer D) supply
46.A) moment B) periods C) age D) time
47.A) of B) by C) with D) for
48.A) improve B) increase C) enlarge D) raise
49.A) enjoy B) share C) have D) own
50.A) method B) value C) type D) future
turn to 目的在于
take on 表现,呈现
such a variety of 固定词组
regardless of 不管(B正确的写法是没有of或者说in spite of)
at one time 曾几何时(固定词组)
make a living 谋生
however 然而(与上面的曾几何时作对比,引出下文)
reduced time 工作时间的减少
in the meantime 同时(固定)
ever before 以前(固定)
earlier age 早些时候(呼应上文提到的提早退休)
who 主语从句
what 只有这个是do后面直接可以跟的名次代词
in addition to 除了(呼应后文的also)
make 产生
time 只有这个前面可以不用冠词
with provide sb with sth固定搭配
improve friendship 增进友谊
share with 固定搭配
value 爱好的价值