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关于名,动词问题if ch is a vowel,increment the appropriate counter
if ch is a vowel,increment the appropriate counter
上面的单句,increment 很明显是名词,但在此句子中看起来是当动词用.
if ch is a vowel,increment the appropriate counter
上面的单句,increment 很明显是名词,但在此句子中看起来是当动词用.
带 ment 不一定是名词
1.A value used to alter a counter or register.
一种用于修改计数器或寄存器内容的值.2.To move a card from one column to the next in the punch station so that each column presents itself for punching.| 在穿孔机上逐列地移动卡片,以使每一列都能穿孔.3.To move a document forward in the read station from one timing mark to the next so that a new line of characters is visible to the scan head.| 在阅读机上向前移动文件,从一个时标移到下一个,以使扫描头可读取一个新的字符行.4.To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward.| 上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱.
1.A value used to alter a counter or register.
一种用于修改计数器或寄存器内容的值.2.To move a card from one column to the next in the punch station so that each column presents itself for punching.| 在穿孔机上逐列地移动卡片,以使每一列都能穿孔.3.To move a document forward in the read station from one timing mark to the next so that a new line of characters is visible to the scan head.| 在阅读机上向前移动文件,从一个时标移到下一个,以使扫描头可读取一个新的字符行.4.To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward.| 上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱.
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