早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.The Annie F. Warren Grammar School was a red-brick building, set back from the main highway on a black tar street, surrounded by barren gravel playgrounds.
2. The dingy back entrance to the school was deep-set in a long passageway which was an excellent place for surprise captures and sudden rescues.
3.By doing this they seek to avoid imposing outside ideas onto people with very different understandings of the world or making value judgments on other people’s ways of raising their children.
4. Looking at it from a cross-cultural perspective shows the wide variety of childhoods that exist across the world and warns against interfering in or criticizing people whose lives, and understandings of the world, are very different to our own.
1.The Annie F. Warren Grammar School was a red-brick building, set back from the main highway on a black tar street, surrounded by barren gravel playgrounds.
2. The dingy back entrance to the school was deep-set in a long passageway which was an excellent place for surprise captures and sudden rescues.
3.By doing this they seek to avoid imposing outside ideas onto people with very different understandings of the world or making value judgments on other people’s ways of raising their children.
4. Looking at it from a cross-cultural perspective shows the wide variety of childhoods that exist across the world and warns against interfering in or criticizing people whose lives, and understandings of the world, are very different to our own.
1.【The Annie F. Warren Grammar School主语】 【was谓语】 【a red-brick building表语】, 【set back from the main highway on a black tar street过去分词短语,作定语,修饰表语】, 【surrounded by barren grav...
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