早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I.重写句子(20 points,2 points each)
Revise the following sentences according to the requirements.
Example:The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways.
(periodic sentence)
In many ways,the history of English words is the history of our civilization.
1.We have achieved great progress in many areas for the past ten years. (periodic sentence)
2.He went all the same though it was raining. ( sentence with a prepositional phrase)
3.He wrote three books in the first two years. This is a record he had never reached before. ( sentence with a noun phrase)
4.He went out and shut the door behind him.(sentence with a verb-ing phrase)
5.He is often late for work. I really can’t understand the reason.(object clause)
6.The projector broke for a second time.Some people in the audience hissed.Others shouted for a refund.(compound-complex sentence)
7.The project went on smoothly as it was carefully designed.( sentence with a verb-ed phrase)
8.You may stay at home waiting for us.You may go to the cinema alone. (sentence with parallel structure)
9.I am now working as an accountant in that city.About two million people live in that city.(relative clause)
10.Hurry up.You may miss the train. (compound sentence)
I.重写句子(20 points,2 points each)
Revise the following sentences according to the requirements.
Example:The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways.
(periodic sentence)
In many ways,the history of English words is the history of our civilization.
1.We have achieved great progress in many areas for the past ten years. (periodic sentence)
2.He went all the same though it was raining. ( sentence with a prepositional phrase)
3.He wrote three books in the first two years. This is a record he had never reached before. ( sentence with a noun phrase)
4.He went out and shut the door behind him.(sentence with a verb-ing phrase)
5.He is often late for work. I really can’t understand the reason.(object clause)
6.The projector broke for a second time.Some people in the audience hissed.Others shouted for a refund.(compound-complex sentence)
7.The project went on smoothly as it was carefully designed.( sentence with a verb-ed phrase)
8.You may stay at home waiting for us.You may go to the cinema alone. (sentence with parallel structure)
9.I am now working as an accountant in that city.About two million people live in that city.(relative clause)
10.Hurry up.You may miss the train. (compound sentence)
1. For the past ten years, we have achieved great progress in many areas.2. Though it was raining, he went all the same.3. He wrote three books in the first two years, which is a record he had never r...
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