早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
1.She's going to the cinema by taxi.
She's_______ _______ ________ ________the cinema.
2.His hobby is swimming.
_______ ________ __________.
3.What's the colour of that building?
_______ ________ _________that building?
4.What's her hobby?
______________ ________she________ _________?
5.I like reading books.
________ _______ is________ __________.
6.There're fifty students in my class.
________ _______ _________fifty students.
7.We will fly to Beijing.
We're going to_______ ______ ______ ______ ________.
8.Shall we go to shanghai by train?
_______ _______ _______ ________train to Shanghai?
9.What's one and one?
_______ _______ _______ one andone?
10.Tom likes fish best?
_______ _______ _______is fish.
11.All of the students are in Class One.
The students_______ ________in Class One.
12.Please write me a letter.
Please write a letter_______ _________.
1.She's going to the cinema by taxi.
She's_______ _______ ________ ________the cinema.
2.His hobby is swimming.
_______ ________ __________.
3.What's the colour of that building?
_______ ________ _________that building?
4.What's her hobby?
______________ ________she________ _________?
5.I like reading books.
________ _______ is________ __________.
6.There're fifty students in my class.
________ _______ _________fifty students.
7.We will fly to Beijing.
We're going to_______ ______ ______ ______ ________.
8.Shall we go to shanghai by train?
_______ _______ _______ ________train to Shanghai?
9.What's one and one?
_______ _______ _______ one andone?
10.Tom likes fish best?
_______ _______ _______is fish.
11.All of the students are in Class One.
The students_______ ________in Class One.
12.Please write me a letter.
Please write a letter_______ _________.
1 taking a train to2 he likes swimming3 What color is4 What does like doing5 Reading books my hobby6 My class has7 take a plane to Beijing8 Why not take9 What equals to10 Tom‘s favorite food11 are al...
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