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These cup are clean.
There is a box in the floor.
There is a knife and a fork on the plate.
Are there some magazines on the TV set?
There are some newspaper on the table.
The stereo near the door.
The pictures are in the wall.
Are there any tickets in the shelf?
There are some shoe on the floor.
There are some knifes on the table.
These cup are clean. cup要加s
There is a box in the floor. in改成on
There is a knife and a fork on the plate. 后面一个a去掉
Are there some magazines on the TV set? some改any
There are some newspaper on the table. newspaper加s
The stereo near the door. near前加is
The pictures are in the wall. in改on
Are there any tickets in the shelf? in改on
There are some shoe on the floor. shoe改shoes
There are some knifes on the table. knifes改knives

一个判断句请问哪句不是判断句A富与贵,是人之所欲也.B熊掌,亦我所欲也.C所欲有甚于生者.D助之长  2020-04-26 …

请判断一句话判断:You gotta be kidding me.为什么成立==,但辞典翻译GOT  2020-05-17 …

对下列句式判断正确的一项是()1吾长见笑于大方之家.2师者,所以传道受业解惑也3石之铿然有声者所在  2020-05-23 …

古代汉语判断句的活用有三种情况:用判断句表示比喻,判断句表示原因,判断句压缩复杂语句.请各举一些例  2020-06-09 …

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依旧是文言文!下边的句子都是判断句.请仔细阅读,并归纳判断句有几种形式.①楚左尹项伯者,项羽季父也  2020-06-28 …

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请判断下列句子使用了哪种文言句式①弗食,不知其旨也。()②其此之谓乎?(请判断下列句子使用了哪种文  2020-06-29 …

下列文言句子的句式判断错误的一项A.小人哉程婴。判断句B.贾不请而擅与诸将攻赵氏于下宫。状语后置C.  2020-11-26 …