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摘 要
关键词:政府 税收竞争 分税制 税收计划
In China's reform and opening,because of the high before the centralized management system of local government financial,economic benefit and without their tax authority,also did not exist between government tax competition.Since the reform and opening up,China's government at all levels,gradually formed independent economic interests,competition activities,political power and financial benefits local financial interests.With the gradually advance the fiscal decentralization,especially the establishment of local government system of fiscal expenditure,in a certain independence,in a large income at the discretion of the western federalism,similar to the national government tax competition.Taxation as the main source of revenue in some countries,but also the national macro-control is an important economic lever.Through taxation revenue,raise to participate in social income distribution,can alleviate the unfair distribution,promote social fairness,Through the implement preferential tax policy,support social vulnerable groups,and promoting social progress,promote social stability and harmonious.Therefore,the construction of harmonious taxes directly related to the construction of harmonious society of socialism.Tax competition also belongs to the competition,although has the special form,in particular the competition field,but still follow the same rule of competition.Based on the theories of tax competition between government tax competition between research in China,and put forward the norms of tax competition between the government,some Suggestions.Specific include the following several parts:
The first part:introduction.This topic research background,research purpose and meaning,the literature review.
The second part:the government tax competition between related theory.The connotation of government tax competition,classification and effect are analyzed.
The third part of our government tax competition between analysis.For our government tax competition between the formation conditions and the basic framework were explained,and the current tax competition forms are analyzed.
Part four:the standard of interlocal tax competition.From the government function,intergovernmental financial relationship,tax planning management,tax competition regulation puts forward some views in four.
Keywords:government tax revenue plan tax competition

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