早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
外贸电函的题目 需要在空的地方填词 麻烦懂的帮下忙 谢谢
1.We thank you for your sales confirmation No.C0014 response to our Order No.2411 for 400 sets of bicycle.2.Please make sure that there is no difference quality between the samples and the actual goods.3.And the color and package should be identical the sample.4.Our L/C will be issued receiving your confirmation.5.Reference is made your offer dated March 12,and we are pleased to advise you that we shall be in the position to place an order for 50,000 pieces of pipe fittings for a rush shipment.6.We wish to place with you a repeat order 500 dozens of the same style and sizes.7.If the goods are not available stock, we would be grateful if you could advise us of replacement goods.8.This does not include a postal charge of US$20 overseas subscribers.9.They may be able to give you the quality you desire a fair price.10.We regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due excessive demand.
1.We thank you for your sales confirmation No.C0014 response to our Order No.2411 for 400 sets of bicycle.2.Please make sure that there is no difference quality between the samples and the actual goods.3.And the color and package should be identical the sample.4.Our L/C will be issued receiving your confirmation.5.Reference is made your offer dated March 12,and we are pleased to advise you that we shall be in the position to place an order for 50,000 pieces of pipe fittings for a rush shipment.6.We wish to place with you a repeat order 500 dozens of the same style and sizes.7.If the goods are not available stock, we would be grateful if you could advise us of replacement goods.8.This does not include a postal charge of US$20 overseas subscribers.9.They may be able to give you the quality you desire a fair price.10.We regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due excessive demand.
Fill in the blanks with proper preposition words.1.We thank you for your sales confirmation No.C0014 in response to our Order No.2411 for 400 sets of bicycle.2.Please make sure that there is no d...
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