早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I have loved sushi after tasted it last weekend. I enjoy the feeling that mixed wasabi with different food and special style in restaurant. Besides, sitting around the counter freely order the dishes from the around belt and enjoy the show from the cook is carefully made for dishes.
I love sushi when I tasted it last Saturday. I enjoy the food mixed with wasabi and eat it in the restaurant. Besides, I could sit around the counter and choose the food arbitrary that made from the cook.
I have loved sushi after tasted it last weekend. I enjoy the feeling that mixed wasabi with different food and special style in restaurant. Besides, sitting around the counter freely order the dishes from the around belt and enjoy the show from the cook is carefully made for dishes.
I love sushi when I tasted it last Saturday. I enjoy the food mixed with wasabi and eat it in the restaurant. Besides, I could sit around the counter and choose the food arbitrary that made from the cook.
B好些不过还需要做些改动eat it in the restaurant是要说你enjoy eating there还只是简单表示你是在里面吃的?如果想表达第一种意思要用eating,如果是第二个意思就直接删掉,因为没有任何意义choose the food arbitrar...
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