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现代学生的课余活动巳经改变了很多。假设你是李雷,你们班就"Different Times, Different Leisure Activities"进行了一次讨论。请根据下面提示写出你们班的讨论结果。

In the past


watch movies in the open air

watch movies at home or at the cinema

fly paper planes

fly model planes


2. 可以适当增加情节,使内容连贯。

3. 所写内容须包含至少三个方面的活动。
Different Times ,Different Lei


Different Times Different Leisure Activities Recently we have had a discussion about " Different Times Different Leisure Activities" in our class. All of us think that leisure activities have changed a lot. In the past,students' leisure activities were very simple. They used to watch movies in the open air or fly paper planes. And some boys sometimes rolled iron rings after school. But now there are many different kinds of leisure activities. Students today can have more fun than those in the past. They can watch exciting and interesting movies not only at home but also at the cinema. They can also fly model planes outside. Often they can go roller skating with their friends. They can enjoy more outdoor and indoor activities in modern society. How happy the students are!


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